Sunset at the Beach

Theme of the week: Through my eyes.

I love to walk down to the beach not far from where I live to catch the sunset during the summer months. The colours are always exquisite, reflecting off the crest of the waves gently rolling in, and illuminating the pebbles and the wet sand beneath. Tones of lilac, deep fire orange, rose, reds and golds, painted across the sky with a skill and beauty never to be repeated, changing and darkening with every moment that passes. Makes you remember that life is precious indeed.

Sunset at the Beach 2


16 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Through Your (my) Eyes

    1. We don’t have real sand on our beaches on this stretch of the coast, too much flint and chalk. A stretch of it is sandy, but it’s imported 😦 Walking on it is fun!


        1. Yeah that’s about right. Our coastline here is very shallow, so when the tide goes out you can walk a long way out, and all of that is sand pretty much with the odd rock pool dotted about. Great for going cockling, and collecting muscles. The fresh fish and seafood is pretty good down here.


        2. Haha I’ve just come across a great piece in the Seth book I’m reading, about the cultish natures of Religion v Science – funnily enough considering what the theme of the week has been. Maybe I’ll post it! 😉


          1. You should. I have a great meme to put up about science/religion, but i’ll wait until the circus dies down a little on that last post. Ark has his hairs up, and that’s always entertaining.


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