As promised, a short video from moi so you can all see me in the virtual flesh. Not sure where all this is going, it’s going to take some getting used to this video-blogging stuff, but I’ll give it a go. It could be complete and utter blogocide and I might just lose all my followers, then again you lot might be a bit more of a discerning bunch 🙂

34 thoughts on “Shock Horror She’s Human!

  1. I LOVED IT! Good for you! I got to see your smiling face and add to that, your accent, which now I will hear in every message you write. What a fantastic idea! very nice to meet you this way!


    1. LOL thank you for even daring to press the play button! 🙂
      It’s a funny thing with accents isn’t it? I always have some kind of impression in mind when I read other people’s blogs, but that impression changes when you can hear them. I hope it wasn’t too shocking 😉
      This is me trying not to hide….
      Hugs x


  2. Awesome accent!! I too would struggle to keep my composure if I took up video blogging, you did a good job though (:


    1. LOL! I’m terrible I can’t really stay serious for very long (except first thing in the morning!). I might just suck at this video blogging lark because I’m just too silly 😉
      Thank you for the vote of confidence and for stopping by to comment. Cheers Sian!


  3. 🙂 You look and sound exactly as I pictured and thought! You’re quite lovely with just as lovely a demeanor. Ish, sorry I haven’t been around, just found out a good friend of mine passed on the 7th. Found out yesterday and it’s been and emotional roller coaster – but keep doing the video blogging. Maybe you can show us snippets of what you’re working on even? And the little lovelies? 🙂 Take care for now! 😉


    1. Thank you T for taking the time to stop by and comment. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and love are with you.
      Thank you for the ideas, maybe I can film myself doing a spirit portrait or something like that. Another friend suggested slamin’ poetry 🙂
      You take care too my lovely friend, stay well xo


      1. Ish, no problem. And thank-you, I appreciate that.

        Yes. I think you should. That is a great idea. You just need a tripod or somewhere stable to perch the camera.

        Or yes. You could read some of your poetry. Great suggestion by your friend.


        Thank-you again Ishaiya. Trying (a little in shock and upset right now but trying). You stay well too!

        Speak soon! xo


        1. A tripod, yes good idea. I think I might try some of my poetry. Someone else suggested like a Q&A thing where people ask me what ever they like and I do a short video in response. Could be interesting.

          I’m always here if you need a friend.
          Take care for now, speak soon xo


  4. Fire the scriptwriter!
    Been a long time since I heard that accent, I can tell you, cor blimey, orlright?.

    Before long you’ll be a media celeb and tweeting all over the place.
    Good for you…took guts to do that.
    I shall remain hidden in my sarcophagus for now.


    1. Surely I don’t sound that my dear Ark?

      Media celeb indeed, I think not! 🙂
      I’m just trying to get over how ridiculous I sound and look. Even with all the years of singing and recording I could never bear listening to myself, it’s too weird. But maybe it’s something I should be getting over once and for all.

      It must be nice in that sarcophagus of yours then, replete with all mod cons and comfy furnishings. Maybe you’ll have an opening for a sarcophag-hag? lol 😉


      1. Your voice is very pleasant. No slight intended. It’s just been such a long time since I heard English spoken with a southern accent, that’s all.

        Sorry, no room in the crypt I’m afraid. Besides, you’d have to fight your way past Neferetiti. 😉


  5. I think I’d rather face a firing squad than The Spouse when she has all ports open and guns run out. I’d also rather face The Spouse than a camera …

    But you have nothing to fear and come across as natural and delightful.

    Oh … before you move in with Ark, I happened across a more recent snap of him the other day, if I ever find it again I’ll have to post it. (And this has no relevance at all to the topic: did you ever see the movie ‘The Mummy’?)


    1. Thank you for the kindness Mr.Argus, but I think my dalliance with the camera has been short lived. I find watching myself far too unsettling. But I believe you should try everything in life at least once.

      You are very fortunate that you have such a kind and supportive wife, I know she is your rock 😉

      As for Ark, well that’s an odd relationship to say the least. It blows hot and cold, and it seems to depend on how you find him on the day. Sometimes he is incredibly lovely and sometimes not. Suffice to say I take every opportunity to exploit it. I think I saw a more recent snap of him recently, easier on the eyes, but he is old enough to be my father so no fear there.

      [chuckling].. the Mummy… no relevance whatsoever… yes I have seen it, many times I might add. Funny film 😉


  6. I keep replaying this, trying to figure out if your eyes are really that big and pretty. You look very different when you smile, and it’s difficult not to smile back, even though it’s stupid since you can’t see me do it.

    Um, I think I’ll shut up now.


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