Dream Catcher – Series: Self Portrait/Daily Sketches, digitally created image, 2018.

My previous posts inspired a number of digital sketches, by way of expressing myself in a more spontaneous fashion, as was my wont some years ago when I was doing my intuitive portraits. I don’t often embrace the darker aspects of my mind and display them on canvas, but on the whole it has been a fairly cathartic experience to do so and I genuinely like the images I’ve produced.

This exploration of mind in painterly format has also been a good exercise in helping me tackle larger painting projects such as this café scene that my daughter has tasked me with. I now know what my subject will be. Hopefully I won’t get too sidetracked today and can make a start on the preliminary drawings. It’ll be a larger canvas than my previous landscape, however, the detail will merit the size. I’ll do a post on it when I’m underway.

Click on the gallery below to see my recent sketches. Like all of my digital images they are based on an original photograph from my personal archives and manipulated via a number of different applications in order to achieve the desired result, and take anything from a couple to several hours to complete:

Prints of my images are available if interested. Drop me a line and I’ll be happy to send you a quote. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Daily Sketches – The Art of Expressionism

    1. RAW:
      Can we quote you on that?

      I’m with JZ on Dreamcatcher. Strange, when I stared at it I saw Stonehenge, and that morphed into the circle of children statue in Stalingrad (and I saw a kookaburra).

      Love it~! A large copy, a bottle of good red, a darkened room and candlelight, in solitude … who knows what would bubble up?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s coz it is Stonehenge.

        Well spotted by the way! I feel I ought to award you a prize for being the first to notice. 😁
        I’m glad you like the Dream Catcher pic. Didn’t know where I was going with it when I began but liked where it ended up. It’s always a bit of a gamble and a fun challenge to creat art out of not a lot.

        Liked by 1 person

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