It takes me a little while to catch up with myself sometimes, but I’ve just discovered the little app that allows me to edit my WP blogs. This means of course that I can keep blogging while I’m away in Northern Italy next week. So I’m testing the app. out to see how versatile it really is. Slightly slower going as I can only type with one finger, but it’s better than nothing.
I also wanted to mention that I’ve launched a new blog. I’ve come to realise that blogs seem to develop their own personas, each with distinct followers and genres, as each of mine have. So it is difficult for me sometimes to discuss certain subjects because I haven’t set a precedent to do so, and to introduce such things now might disturb the flow of things.
My new blog then is about me in the raw, figuratively speaking. Be warned however if you are of a delicate disposition and you are likely to take offence, because it will contain over-opinionated views, strong language, and some adult content from time to time. If you’re interested then I shall let you put on your detective hat and search me out. It shouldn’t be too difficult. Bit presumptuous? Yeah probably. But if you’re as inquisitive as I am and you like a challenge you’ll have a go.

Have a great one everybody!

Posted using Tinydesk blog app

2 thoughts on “I’ve Found the WordPress App!

  1. I love the app! I started blogging last week and half the fun is being able to have an app to have extra blogging time! Totes is awesome! I also look forward to hearing all about Northern Italy!


    1. Excellent that you’ve started blogging, it’s great fun as I’m sure you are already discovering! I wasn’t too sure how I’d feel not blogging for a whole week while I’m away, I blog pretty much every day on all my blogs, so the app is great. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment, it’s always greatly appreciated 🙂


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