The Delicate Evangelist

If I remember your face,

I’ll be too close to you;

I’ll remember what it’s like

To touch you;

To feel the thrill of your presence.

Inside me. You’d be inside of me;

My chest would heave with you,

And I wouldn’t want

To let you go.

I’d want to search

Your secret realms;

Carried by your sensual grace.

I’d yearn to smell

Your fragrant warmth,

Caressing my thoughts

Like a fine memory.


If I look at you,

I shan’t want to return.

4 thoughts on “The Delicate Evangelist

  1. I received this comment on my youtube channel today, which I rarely go to anymore. Thought I would pass it on. I love synchronicity, as it is the soul and spirit of coincidence, in my opinion. 🙂

    It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. –Albert Einstein


    1. Einstein was definitely on to something wasn’t he? 🙂 Thank you for passing on such a great quote. I came across a great quote myself that explains the concept of synchronicity, I shall have to find it and post it I think.
      As always I feel very appreciative that you take the time to stop and visit (I say always like it’s been years – then again perhaps it has) it adds a lightness to my heart that is much needed.


      1. Yes, perhaps it has-it does feel that way. We are stardust, we are golden…
        I cannot imagine your open heart as heavy, but if I can lighten it, it is an honor and privilege to do so.
        As always, it is my pleasure to read here-it has become a much anticipated part of my day, truly.
        Many blessings.


        1. I am enjoying in this moment the golden light and the lightness that is this connection we share. My heart always open, but not all my connections are as soothing. I am long used to the roller-coaster of tensions and changes in emotions that I feel from day to day as I interact with my life, and in a way I guess I find it exhilarating though I absorb others thoughts and feelings like a sponge which needs to be wrung out every once in a while 🙂
          Blessings to you too


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